Rest Day
Big seminar with Smitty today.
Deload week coming up.
Big seminar with Smitty today.
Deload week coming up.
Rest Day
Big seminar with Smitty today. Deload week coming up.
Daily Training VideoMikey Training 8-181. 2 muscle snatch + 2 hang power snatch x 4 sets
2. muscle clean + hang power clean + front squat + hang clean + jerk x 5 sets 3. good morning 3x8-10 4a. seesaw bent row 3x12 4b. evil wheel 3x12 5a. row 3x250 meters 5b. kettlebell topside halfmoon 3x12 -take a kettlebell by the handle and make a big half circle from hip to hip going over your head, you can sub a sandbag or plate if needed Daily Training Video 1. Incline bench press 5-6x3-5 2a. Handstand push ups 5 x submax 2b. Back squat 5x3 3a. Burpees 14-12-10-8 3b. 2 KB swings 14-12-10-8 -conditioning, no rest 4. grip and abs Daily Training Video1. Muscle snatch 3-4x5
2. Muscle clean + front squat 4x3 3. 2 KB power jump 4x5 --pull bells from dead stop off floor, and reset back every rep 4. Clean 4-5x2 5a. Walking RDL with 2 DB (deathmarch) 3x8/8 -no rest 5b. Recline rows 3x15 -short rest Recovery workout
light sled walking 300-600 meters, stop for a set of 10 burpees every 50 meters or so. Add in lots of mobility and warm up exercises before/after and get ready for tomorrow. Daily Training Video1. jerks 5x3 2. push press 4x4 3. back squat 6-8x3 4. bench press 6-8x3 5. grip and abs I am toying with the idea of posting more than one workout or program everyday. We all have different training goals. Some need fat loss, others want strength gain, etc. So I could start with a basic strength program and a basic fat loss program. I know some programs claim to do it all, but it simply doesn't optimize anything. I would try to do one exclusive of the other. Let me know if you're interested.1. muscle snatch 3-4x5 2. power clean + front squat + hang clean 5x1 3. clean x work up to a heavy single 4. Pendlay row 3x8-10 -same as bent over row, but start from dead stop on floor every rep 5a. pull ups 3-5 x submax 5b. hollow rocks 3-5 x 30 seconds Daily Training Video
1. med ball matrix x1 2. snatch push press behind neck 4x6 3. front squat 4x6 4. incline bench press 4x6 5a. push ups 3 x submax 5b. abs 3 x 10-15 -sub sled work if more conditioning is desired Daily Training Video
lite recovery workout or rest day 14 rounds for time: jump over the moon x 20 -if you're too weak to make it over the moon, substitute 17 jumps over your house for each moon jump run a marathon thru mud x 6 pull a tooth x 3 drink really cold ice water x 5 liters stub your toe on the bed post x 2 or just do a basic kettlebell and bodyweight workout 1a. 1 arm snatches 2 x 10 1b. hindu pushups 2 x 10 2a. 1 arm clean & press 2 x 10 2b. pistols or reverse lunge 2 x 5/5 3a. 2 arm snatch 2 x 10 3b. pull ups 2 x 10 4a. 2 arm clean & press 2 x 10 4b. jump squats 2 x 20 Daily Training Video
November 2011
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