Full Boar is a full body transitional program designed to be implemented between two very intense strength training programs. Plenty of substitutions can be made, as usual. These are some of my favorite exercises that i can perform at my training facility. You would be best by using the exercises best suited for you and your facility. However, they are broken down into basically a push, pull and lower body exercise. There is 3 short phases in this cycle, each one to be performed for only 1-2 weeks each. If you like the workouts, repeat for a second week, if not, just get thru it and move to the next workouts the following week. In Phase 1 you will be doing giant sets, 3 exercises in circuit fashion, each one for 30 seconds with 3 seconds rest, move on to the next exercise and the next, take a minute rest after each round and do 5 total rounds. Then move on to the next giant set of exercises and do the same. The final pair of exercises is simply a core exercise with a conditioner, such as prowlers, but could be an sprint, Airdyne sprint, C2 rower, battle rope, etc. Phase 2 you will do Supersets, 2 exercises in a group as opposed to 3, with the same training style but you'll get less rest. Phase 3 will be straight sets with will cause much more of a burn because you will have much less time to recover that particular body part. |