Internet Marketing Plan Checklist
Phase 1 – Plan the Plan
Describe Your Business
Part I (Timeframe) Begin __________ End __________
Briefly describe why you are completing an Internet marketing plan. (This is for personal
use. Are you trying to get administrative approval? Raise capital for your business?
Provide an overview of your company—company goals, objectives, background,
historical analysis, and future outlook for the company.
Provide an overview of your products and services—type of business your company is
engaged in, your products, services, sales (pricing and volume), and future outlook for
your products and services.
Analyze your market or industry.
Identify noticeable patterns or trends.
Create a profile of your primary target audience.
Create a profile of your secondary target audience.
Identify your competition, their products, and their strengths and weaknesses.
Identify external and internal opportunities and threats.
Describe Your Internet Marketing Plan
Part 2 (Timeframe) Begin __________ End __________
List the goals of the Internet marketing plan. (Specify a timeframe and quantify the
intended results.)
Describe the overall strategy for the Internet marketing plan. (Specify what you will do to
meet each of the goals you list.)
List budget priorities (the amount of money available and proposed use).
Develop a timeline (how many months does the plan cover?).
Establish the scope (local, national, international).
Decide how you will evaluate your Internet marketing plan based upon the goals and
strategies you’ve identified.
Plan Your Web Presence
Part 3 (Timeframe) Begin __________ End __________
Locate a Web designer and/or developer (or identify if you’re doing it yourself).
$_________ budget
Locate a Web hosting provider. $_________ budget
Decide upon and register a domain name (URL) for your site. $_________ budget
Create a tag line.
Set up your business e-mail account.
Create signatures for your outgoing e-mail messages.
Create a file structure (categories and folders for filing prospect and customer
Write e-mail message masters and templates for letters.
Consider the keywords you’ll use in your meta tags and the content of your Web pages.
If you plan to have e-commerce on your site, choose your software.
Describe Your Marketing Mix
Part 4 (Timeframe) Begin __________ End __________
Compose product description(s).
Generate a pricing statement.
Develop your promotion plans.
Decide upon place (how will you distribute your products to customers?).