This will be the final week of this program, take a deload the following week before beginning your next program.
Day 1
1. Snatch or Power Snatch - 5x2
2. Back Squat - 5-3-3-1-1-1
- work up to 3 max singles
3a. HSPU - 5 x submax
3b. 2 KB swing - 5x15
3c. Power Push Ups - 5x10
3d. Power Jumps - 5x10
- no rest between exercises
- 90-120 sec rest after each round
2. Back Squat - 5-3-3-1-1-1
- work up to 3 max singles
3a. HSPU - 5 x submax
3b. 2 KB swing - 5x15
3c. Power Push Ups - 5x10
3d. Power Jumps - 5x10
- no rest between exercises
- 90-120 sec rest after each round
Day 2
1. 2 KB Clean & Jerk - 5x12-15
2a. Planche - x5 sets
2b. Front Lever - x5 sets
- practice each at your current level/ability
- (tuck, flat tuck, straddle, half lay or lay)
3a. Dips - 3-5x submax
3b. Pull Ups - 3-5x submax
2a. Planche - x5 sets
2b. Front Lever - x5 sets
- practice each at your current level/ability
- (tuck, flat tuck, straddle, half lay or lay)
3a. Dips - 3-5x submax
3b. Pull Ups - 3-5x submax
Day 3
1. Clean or Power Clean - 5x2
2. Deadlift - 5-3-3-1-1-1
- work up to 3 heavy singles
3a. Deathmarch - 3x20
3b. Ab rollouts or L-sits - 3x submax
4. sleds or hills
2. Deadlift - 5-3-3-1-1-1
- work up to 3 heavy singles
3a. Deathmarch - 3x20
3b. Ab rollouts or L-sits - 3x submax
4. sleds or hills
Day 4
1. Walking lunges - 3x20
- light to stretch out yesterdays leg work
2a. 1 KB Snatch - 5x10/10
2b. Push ups - 5x8-10
- keep these on the lighter side
3a. Rope Climb - 3-5x15'
3b. Reverse Plank - 3-5x30-60 seconds
4. Outdoor Run/Parkour
- light to stretch out yesterdays leg work
2a. 1 KB Snatch - 5x10/10
2b. Push ups - 5x8-10
- keep these on the lighter side
3a. Rope Climb - 3-5x15'
3b. Reverse Plank - 3-5x30-60 seconds
4. Outdoor Run/Parkour