Shamelessly stolen from the Iron Tamer, Dave Whitley
Reverse stacking and bodyweight exercises
Perform 2-3 rounds of the following, keeping in mind that 1 round is probably enough, think about it:
Swing :30 per hand
Rest :30
Pushup :30,Swing :30 per hand,
Rest :30
Jump Squat :30, Pushup :30, Swing :30 per hand,
Rest :30
Row :30 per hand, Jump Squat :30, Pushup :30, Swing :30 per hand,
Rest :30
Clean and press :30 per hand, Row :30 per hand, Jump Squat :30, Pushup :30, Swing :30 per hand
1. 1 arm DB snatch + jerk 5x3-5
2. Snatch balance 5 x 2-3
-beginners practice overhead squat
3. Snatch grip deadlift 4x4
4a. 2 KB swings 4-5 x 10
4b. Close grip pullups 4-5 x submax
4c. Various arm curls 4-5x10
- short rest between exercises, rest as necessary after round
5. Burpee challenge
-max burpees in 2 minutes, chest to deck, jump high, be honest and consistent