1. power snatch + overhead squat - 5x3
2. bench press + chains - 8x3
3a. pull up - 3x6-8 ahap***
3b. incline db bench - 3x10
3c. 1 arm db bent row - 3x10
4. kb swings - 20 sec on/ 10 sec off x 5 minutes
5. abs and grip
***ahap = as hard as possible
-this means adjust the intensity of the exercise that will challenge the reps, so add weight or change the angle/leverage
2. bench press + chains - 8x3
3a. pull up - 3x6-8 ahap***
3b. incline db bench - 3x10
3c. 1 arm db bent row - 3x10
4. kb swings - 20 sec on/ 10 sec off x 5 minutes
5. abs and grip
***ahap = as hard as possible
-this means adjust the intensity of the exercise that will challenge the reps, so add weight or change the angle/leverage