1. planche progression - 5-6x10 second holds
2. plyo pushups - 5x5
3a. neutral grip pull up - 5x5
3b. swiss bar incline bench - 5x5
4a. 1 arm bent row - 3x12-15 each arm
4b. dips - 3x12-15
5. tabata battling ropes - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes (8 rounds), just keep the rope moving. If you dont have a heavy rope, sub a heavy blanket
2. plyo pushups - 5x5
3a. neutral grip pull up - 5x5
3b. swiss bar incline bench - 5x5
4a. 1 arm bent row - 3x12-15 each arm
4b. dips - 3x12-15
5. tabata battling ropes - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes (8 rounds), just keep the rope moving. If you dont have a heavy rope, sub a heavy blanket